In Secugen we are able to determine the nucleotide sequence of DNA samples cloned in multitude of vector, or that has been amplified by PCR, using the most advance chemistry (BigDye® Terminator v3.1)
We have the experience of having realized countless numbers of sequences from many diverse origins and difficulties.
Normally we obtain sequences that reach lengths up to 900 pair of bases.
We also offers the possibility to carry on analyses of samples “ready to RUN” previously processed by the customers.
By means of genotyping techniques, it is possible to visualize one or multiple amplified DNA fragments simultaneously, thus obtaining a pattern of specific bands for each species (interspecific variability) or that show variability among individuals from certain species (intraspecific variability).
We also offer the possibility of developing any scale of sequencing projects requiring a much more dedicated approach, such as designing of oligonucleotides and reading and annotation analysis of the obtained sequence.